Lou Reed-The process of Air brush painting.

If you are interested in my painting process-check out the you tube video below, which you can access by clicking on this post. This video gives you access to the painting process of an artist. After watching this video on the painting of “Lou Reed”, you will feel empowered to try and paint yourself. Seeing the different phases a painting goes through is enlightening. The most important thing about learning anything is practice, which is true for painting.

This video might be a little long for most people, however it does show the different phases of painting. It shows that even a good painting goes through several periods of complete messiness. Even an artist has to redo areas that are not working. Granted the air brush makes the process a lot more exciting. Mostly due to the fact that when using an air brush you cannot stop for long periods. If you do have long pauses the airbrush will become clogged and then it takes hours to clean it.

So you need to be like a boxer, move around a lot and do not put the airbrush down. I am still figuring out all the subtleties of the settings on an airbrush but I like that I have to move fast. There are times I would like to take a break, sit back and think but that only happens if I first clean the airbrush. It was fun creating this video and I hope you enjoy it. At some point I am thinking of teaching painting classes on Zoom. You will not need an airbrush to join. You can always paint with brushes. I think the most important part of a class is getting some feedback on where you are trying to go with the painting. Hope to see you soon. Check out the final product of “Lou Reed.”

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