

Original price was: $2.00.Current price is: $1.00.

“Grrrwithair” is an ordinal and an NFT. There are 25 NFTs on Rarible. And one ordinal that I might wanna keep for myself.  Hopefully it will win the ForbesWeb3 ordinal art competition!

I made her from an original painting on wood. I used the base image and messed around with it until she was done. I love her. 😁😁😁❤️😜🤓❤️

I finished “Grrrwithair” about a couple days ago and I love her. So as I was wandering on Twitter, I saw the ForbseWeb3 ordinal competition and decided to go for it.

She came from a painting I call “Angela.”  She was painted on old textured wood.  It is a beautiful painting. “Angela” was the base image and I just played until she was done. She told me. “I’m good!”

I might not listen to anyone but I always listen to my art. To get the inscription I.D. I minted her on Rarible, which did not get me an inscription I.D.  I did not give up! Fighting dragons and frothy wallet connections I persisted. Finally the transaction ID was had. After I paid the fee of course.

My first Ordinal “grrrwithair” has been  a most memorable experience.  Why buy a meme coin when you can get the original “Grrrwithair” ordinal. Thank you and I hope you enjoy her! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think, I would love to hear.
P.S. Do not buy it here.  You cannot buy her here. Buy the NFT on Rarible or if you want the ordinal I will figure out the link in a couple days. Thank you!


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