Blue Blues Guy


I love this painting “Blue Blues Guy” because he is so into the moment of creating music that there is nothing more in the universe at that moment for him.  He is why I love musicians.

This painting Of Blue blues Guy is acrylic air brush on a 24″ X 36″ canvas. It is framed with a blueish brown floating frame. On sale now for $1,100.00.

“Blues Blue Guy” has been sold, however please contact me and we can work out a commission.

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I think “Blues Blue Guy” reminds me a bit of Picasso’s blue period.  Probably because while it is a person, I think the viewer relates to it as an object.  Unlike most of my work, this painting there is a distance between viewer and viewed.  I always like my people to feel like they are viewing back.  Meaning they are not passive. Part of me likes to think the characters in my pantings are looking out at us.  We are paintings on their walls.

Oh boy I love being hoity toity with my opinions.  I have no never mind to criticize Picasso or even compare myself to him. But I did it.  yup yup I dun did it.  Many people might criticize me for talking like this but I do not care.  I would have spelling flaws too if there was no spell check.  As a dyslexic Child I enjoy using bad punctuation and spelling when possible.  I suppose it is time I get over my punk ass attitude but I am part of the Pluto in virgo generation so I suppose you can imagine which finger I am holding up now.

I love this painting because the guy is so into the moment of creating music that there is nothing more in the universe at that moment for him.  He is why I love musicians.

This painting Of “Blue blues Guy” is acrylic air brush on a 24″ X 36″ canvas. It is framed with a blueish brown floating frame. On sale now for $1,100.00.

This painting has been sold. However you can always commission a painting today.


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