Grace Jones is so iconically beautiful and makes a great comic hero. I painted her as a comic hero on her motor cycle in a night scene in Tokyo. While looking for my next subject I came across an image of Grace Jones. She looked sort of like an alien. The photograph was edited to elongate her neck and she was androgynous.
This beautiful acrylic painting is on a 48″ X 36″ wood panel. This painting is framed with the yellow, gold and white pattern of her jacket on the frame. The beautiful frame makes this painting pop off the wall, finished in early 2020. If you love this painting, you will feel it is a bargain at the original investment of $4,874.00.
Check out the Blog Post for more info.
“Grace Jones-The Comic Hero” is now on view at The Academy, San Francisco. You can check her out at any event you sign up for on their website.
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